Now we have these points on the polygon centers.

We have edge centers, so now they're going to be created at the center of each edge. The creation method is currently vertices. That's why if I move this up and select my platonic object in my sources list you can see here where it says platonic, referring to the object. I'm going to drag this guy out, select this, and you can see that they are on the vertices. Now let's go here, and let's go and select this and you can see the green points which are basically on the vertices of the platonic object. I can rotate it, and you can see that my fragments are quite interesting, and this is because there is regularity in the way the fragments are created. So, watch this, I can move it anywhere I want. Now what I normally do is I right click on these sources, and I add a display tag, turn it on and turn it to lines. Mind you if I render, it will render so the best thing you can do is turn it off for rendering if you only wanted to affect your fragmentation. So it doesn't really interfere with what we're seeing here. At the same time, automatically my platonic object has had the X-ray activated. Platonic and move him around, and you can see that I get a certain interesting fragmentation. I'm going to turn off everything else, and I'm going to grab Mr. So drag it right in here, and you will see that we have some sort of fragmentation. And let's get the platonic to begin with. I'm going to drag this guy down here, so it's separate. So let's go and see how these things work. And of course splines and particle systems, whether it's a standard particle or thinking particle, so even this would work. You can create with one of these generators over here. It includes editable polygon models even generated models. If you want to create fragments using objects, you can basically use either any polygon object and that includes procedural. But that won't make any difference because, although you can drag it in here, it won't create any fragments. Now if you're brave, and you want to experiment, you can drag any sort of object in the sources list, and that includes ridiculous objects like the doodle object and all that. In this scene, I have all these different objects, and I'm going to add my Voronoi fracture object, and just drag the cube underneath, select it, go to source, select this one and press backspace to delete it. If the previous video got you excited about the level of control you have over your fragment creation, just wait until you see this one.